Boy, nothing like a test of will during the first week of training program to see how badly one "wants it". After not missing a planned run (except for three days of having a nasty stomach bug in early December), I thought I'd blow the Pfitzinger plan on Day 4 of the first week.
I had to get up at 4:30 this morning to drive my father-in-law to the airport. I then had to cram a 9-miler in before work, shuffling my schedule around a bit to do it. I left my house feeling rushed; despite temps in the teens, I tore out at a sub-8:00/mile pace, way too fast for a "general aerobic" run on a frigid morning. I was slightly underdressed, and ended up with ice on the tips of glove fingers, on my eyebros and around the edges of my running hat. I listened to several interviews from The Final Sprint podcast. After listening to it for a few weeks now, it's starting to grow on me. At first I thought the interviews sounded unprofessional, but then I started to realize that the hosts are likely fawning over the elites the same way I would if I had their undivided attention for a half-hour or so. I've heard interviews with Chris Lear, Deena Kastor (didn't know she's Jewish; too bad we're both already taken), Bill Rodgers, Scott Jurek and Kara Goucher, among others. One of this morning's features was about The Spirit of the Marathon, a pretty good documentary which I saw in Chicago on the Friday night before the marathon. It was part of a film festival, the theater was packed with eager (anxious?) runners, and the producers and some of the subjects did a Q&A afterwards. I'd say it's a decent movie which will appeal to anyone who has run, is training to run, or is thinking about running a marathon.
This morning's run turned out okay, with an overall average pace of about 8:40 for 9.25 miles, never feeling too hard or too easy. Miles 4-7.5 were on a very hilly part of my loop. Average HR was in the low 150's and max was 171, on one of the toughest hills of all. I took nothing to eat or drink, but felt pretty good, though I've been especially thirsty all day since.
I may rest completely tomorrow, though I like to do at least some weight machines, core and stretching on "off" days, but I have a killer work schedule and I'd have to get up at 4:30 again to make it happen. We'll see how I feel tonight.
Have to finish up some work, so it may be a late night anyway.
Run Club, Rankings, and Marathon Goals
2 days ago
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